Sonia Rodriguez True ’92 Appointed Yakima County Superior Court Commissioner

In January 2021, Sonia Rodriguez True ’92 was appointed to Yakima County Superior Court Commissioner—the first Latino to serve in the position. Her 20 years of experience as an attorney has certainly paved the way for this monumental moment, but Sonia first credits her strong faith, in addition to her tremendous support system.

Sonia came to Annie Wright in Grade 4, soon after moving to Washington with her mom and younger sister to escape a life of gangs, violence and poverty in East Los Angeles. Even after the move, things were not always easy, but Sonia’s mom was very much a proponent of education, helping to nurture and solidify Sonia’s strong foundation for learning. She recalls that it was the opportunity for education that Annie Wright offered that helped overcome so many barriers she faced. After graduating from Annie Wright, Sonia attended University of Washington as an undergraduate. Sonia graduated with degrees in philosophy and ethnic studies, and then went on to attend UW Law, graduating in 2000 and passing the bar exam that same year.

Iconic Headmaster Bob Klarsch was a father figure to Sonia, providing persistent encouragement as well or an after school snack while she hung out with his daughter and her close friend Merritt. Mrs. Bauska not only taught Sonia, but also helped her apply to and prepare for college. Now, Sonia aims to offer this same type of support system to youth in the Yakima community. She has served in various volunteer capacities including as United Way of Central Washington's board president, and started a nonprofit organization to curb local gang involvement. In the last five years, she and her husband have opened their home to more than 20 children—providing them the same warmth, guidance and solid foundation she received.

This article is from the winter 2020-spring 2021 issue of Strength