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Mayor Strickland Celebrates Vegetables with Grade 3

Bailey Murray
Mayor Marilyn Strickland came to Annie Wright last Friday and now it seems all anyone in Grade 3 can talk about is vegetables. The Grade 3 student council wrote Mayor Strickland a letter inviting her to Annie Wright for Food Day, which promotes a healthier diet.  She came to tell them about vegetables and why it’s important to eat a lot of them.
The third graders will be participating in a draw with a big prize. Students have a punch card that gets marked when they eat a serving of vegetables at school. Once the card has 10 punches, the card can be submitted into the drawing where three students will win a chance to have lunch with Mayor Strickland in her office.
After the drawing is over, however, these third graders say they want to keep eating their vegetables.  Amelia wants to keep eating her vegetables so she can be more athletic. Silas wants to keep eating his vegetables so he can be healthier. Whatever their reason, it seems Mr. B’s class is happy to eat healthy. They also have rather sophisticated palettes. Some of their favorite veggies include bell peppers, cucumbers, purple carrots and potatoes, broccolini, artichoke, spinach, beets and fennel. Pearl’s personal favorite is cooked carrots with cinnamon and brown sugar.
The third grade has been getting colorful and creative with their vegetables because Mayor Strickland said to “eat the colors of the rainbow.” This is because a diet rich with colorful natural foods is healthy and nutrient dense.
Third graders are so excited about eating their vegetables and a chance to eat lunch with the mayor that they’re already brainstorming what they would talk about if they won the drawing. Steven wants to know if she wants to talk about vegetables. Many of the other students want to thank her for coming last Friday. Most importantly, Bea wants to know, “What’s for lunch?”