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Mr. Sullivan Takes a Risk

During chapel on the first day of school on Wednesday, April 27, Mr. Sullivan surprised the large audience of students, parents, faculty and staff by singing the alma mater, solo.

According to Mr. Sullivan, the idea originally stemmed from the fact that the many students and faculty did not know all the words to the alma mater. That's when he started thinking about the kind of message he wanted to send on the first day of school.

“We are always asking kids to stretch themselves and get outside of their comfort zones, and accepting a certain degree of reasonable risk is an important component. Understanding the value of risk-taking is an essential part of personal growth," he said. "The evaluation of physical, social and academic risk is part of the hidden curriculum that we teach at Annie Wright to help parents develop kids to their fullest potential.”

Singing the Alma Mater in front of a live audience was a huge risk for him. He rehearsed for a couple of weeks beforehand, and admitted that he had not been that nervous in years.

Check out his performance!
