News Detail

Grade 7 Student Receives President's Volunteer Award

Annie Wright Schools had the pleasure of presenting 7th grader Holly Shadko with the President’s Volunteer Service Award on May 5 during all school chapel.
The President’s Volunteer Service Award recognizes individuals who have achieved the required number of hours of service over a 12-month time period, or cumulative hours over the course of a lifetime. Holly earned her award through hours she put in with the Girl Scouts of Western Washington.
Throughout the course of 2013, Holly volunteered 100 hours of her time with the Girl Scouts. Some of the projects she worked on include Puyallup’s Rain Garden program, the restoration of Silver Creek and the restoration of Decoursey Pond. She joined the Pt. Defiance Zoo’s Jr. Guide program where she helped enhance the visitor experience by working with zoo staff to interact with visitors. During the holidays she helped staff the Food Bank’s Candy Booth at the mall.