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Community Day 2024 Warms Hearts On A Cold Day!

"Your volunteers touched the hearts of the employees present that day and have inspired them with your enthusiasm. Annie Wright always has a friend here." 
"Your volunteers were efficient and excited to donate their time at a level that we haven’t seen since last year. Your continued support of our programs makes you a key partner and we are so beyond lucky to have you in our local community."
"Your donations will benefit children and their families in the community for the year to come and beyond as you have impacted their lives in ways we cannot fully see."

This was just some of the feedback our Upper School Community (s)Elective received in response to their efforts for Community Day 2024! In November and December, we hosted a schoolwide drive, donating items to the Multicultural Family Hope Center (diapers, classroom supplies), Tacoma Rescue Mission (underwear, socks, sports bras, long underwear), and the Pierce County Juvenile Court (board games without dice or money, toys, hair care and hygiene products). This past weekend, on January 13, volunteers across all parts of our community - students, faculty, families, staff and friends - bundled up and braved the freezing temperatures to transport these items to our community partners and then volunteer at their centers! 

The day was a huge success, and we are grateful for the opportunity to partner with organizations that are doing such important work in Tacoma. A special shoutout to our Community Day Director Hannah Z. ’25 for her outstanding leadership and the entire Upper School Community (s)Elective for their leadership efforts. The way the students communicate and nurture relationships with the organizations' leaders is why Community Day transcends just one simple day a year.

There are numerous ways to turn this into a lasting commitment by signing up to volunteer in other capacities with TRMMCFHC, & PCJC. Those links will take you directly to the volunteering information and sign-up. This was not our first time partnering with them, and it won't be our last, so keep an eye out for future opportunities!