News Detail

Virtual Celebrations Mark the End of the 2019-2020 School Year

Annie Wright Schools celebrate end-of-year events as important milestones for students and families. While we wish we could celebrate with our community in person, we still plan to mark the end of the year with online ceremonies in each division. Pick-up and drop-off of final items for Lower and Middle Schools will be done by pulling into the Circle Drive by car, with social distancing protocols in place. Please see your Friday Flashes for specific times and video conferencing links.

Closing Chapels, Wednesday, June 10

We will continue as always with our Closing Chapel on the last day of school, Wednesday, June 10. This will be the only school activity on this final day. This year we will do them by grade level in an effort to give families a chance to connect and have closure as a group, with Grades 4 and 5 together. In addition, faculty will be set up in the 10th Street circle drive on June 10 and 11 to distribute student belongings and summer work booklets, collect school materials and athletic uniforms, and say goodbye for the school year.

Grade 8 Chapel, Tuesday, June 9, and Closing Ceremony, Wednesday, June 10
The culminating event celebrating our Grade 8 students will occur on Tuesday, June 9, and the MS Closing Ceremony will follow on Wednesday, June 10. In addition, Middle School students will be able to return their textbooks and instruments on Monday, June 8. In return, they will receive their locker contents, the summer reading book for rising Grades 7 and 8 students, yearbooks, and any artwork from the year.
Upper School for Girls Department Awards & Closing Ceremony, Wednesday, June 10
The USG already had their beautiful Awards & Celebration on May 20. The USG Department Awards program is our opportunity to recognize the Grade 11 students who have distinguished themselves in each of our academic areas. It is part of the Closing Ceremony which honors all USG students and commemorates the 2019-2020 school year.

Closing Ceremony, Tuesday, June 9
Parents, students and faculty will come together online on Tuesday, June 9, for a final salute to 2019-2020. It will also be our official farewell to and opportunity to thank Mr. Sullivan and Ms. Isenman for all they have done to build the USB.