News Detail

Grade 8 Student Nadine Gibson Named to State Legislative Council

Grade 8 student Nadine Gibson was elected to the 2018-19 Legislative Youth Advisory Council (LYAC), the formal voice for Washington youth in the state legislature. The council comprises 22 14-18 year-old students from across the state of Washington.

The council has the opportunity to get involved with Washington state government, experience the legislative process and voice their concerns about issues affecting youth. They meet up to six times per year in locations around Washington, and hold an annual Youth Action Day in Olympia in to meet with legislators, testify on bills, and give a voice to Washington youth. 

Nadine is a resident of Legislative District 27 and a very active member of her school and local communities. This program is designed for high school students, but an exception was made to recruit Nadine to the council. Congratulations Nadine!

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